Q: I’m already sold, how do I register?
A: Book your hotel room here.
Q: What makes this event special?
A: Seattle is a special community of dedicated students of West Coast Swing. When creating the schedule for Retaliation we wanted to honor that passion for education and technical excellence, so what you’ll see on the schedule is a series of 75-minute “mini-intensives” where our pro staff can provide the level of detail that will help you elevate your dancing to the next level!
Q: Where is it?
A: We are running our kick-off year at the Seatac Hilton Hotel & Convention Center - free shuttle to the airport, walkable from the SEATAC light rail. Room block information will be coming soon, and we will have parking rates for Seattle locals who just want to drive in.
Q: Who’s on staff?
A: We’re thrilled to welcome a world-class staff of West Coast Swing professionals, including:
- Brandi Guild
- Robert Roysten
- Joel Torgeson & Chantelle Pianetta
- Stephen White
- John Kirkconnell
- Phoenix Grey
- Za Thomaier & Anna Wallace
- Thomas Carter & Rachel Shook
- Megan Dupree
- Andrew Opyrchal
…with more names to come!
Q: Is this a WSDC event? Will I get points if I compete?
A: We are officially a WSDC pointed event - so yes, you'l get points per the rules!
We’ll also have great prizes for the top three placements in each division, so sign up and tell your friends!
Q: I don’t want to compete, what’s in this for me?
A: A full weekend of social dancing, 12+ hours of leveled workshops taught by top-notch West Coast Swing professionals, and a fun pro show on Saturday night to inspire your dancing! We are keeping competitions intentionally schedule-limited to create maximum space for social dancing and time spent with friends both on-and-off the dance floor.
Q: Do I need WSDC points to attend the leveled workshops?
A: With the exception of the Advanced/AllStar workshops that will be noted on the schedule, workshops will be open to all attendees. We will provide leveling information for you to make the best decision about your educational experience - if you enter an Intermediate workshop, be prepared for the instructor to move quickly! If you want to experience a higher-level workshop but you’re not sure if it’s the right fit for you, check in with your coach or group class instructor before the weekend begins!
NOTE: For the Advanced/Allstar workshops (will be notated on the schedule), we will be enforcing a “closed practice” policy to give our high-level artists the space to work on their dancing without the pressure of an audience.
Q: Will there be day or evening passes available?
A: If you are only interested in attending during the day, we will have a workshop-only pass for the weekend! Evening passes will be a game-time decision made closer to the event date – if we sell out on full weekend passes, we will not be releasing any evening passes.
Q: Can I schedule private lessons with the staff?
A: Yes! There will be a private lesson space reserved for event staff and their students, no floor fee required. Contact your pro directly to schedule.
Q: Can I volunteer in exchange for a pass?
A: We are offering limited work-exchange opportunities this year, applications available here: https://forms.gle/Qfi7xqWS9gF5Qixz6
Q: Okay I’ll bite, what are we “retaliating” against?
A: Pick something that’s meaningful to you. But don’t make it too deep, really, I just liked the name.
Q: I have a question you didn’t answer!
A: I have no doubt. laura@seattlewcsworkshops.com is your point-of-call, reach out there and we’ll help as best we can!
- Laura Hunter, Event Director